
Forum Neue Energiewelt

The Forum Neue Energiewelt has been the most important meeting point for innovative players in the new energy world for 20 years. The focus of the forum is always on exchanging ideas and making new contacts. All of this will be made more difficult this year due to the restrictions imposed by the corona pandemic.

Therefore, there will be two events this year: A network meeting on 24. And 25. September 2020 in Berlin, in compliance with all hygiene and distance rules. Discuss the most burning topics in the energy industry at the moment - EEG reform, PPAs, hydrogen strategy, flexibility in the grid, digitization, breakthrough in electromobility, etc. - and make new contacts!

As dress code, we recommend business casual and, depending on the weather, an umbrella and a warm jacket. Good weather has been ordered, but you never know in Berlin ...
A digital conference will then take place on 19. and 20. November 2020. The main focus here is on imparting knowledge, informative exchange and discussion.

More information and tickets: https://www.forum-neue-energiewelt.de/en/