Building a new home or renovating? Here are FIVE reasons to get an EV Charger when you don't have an EV yet

With the rising popularity of electric vehicles, now is the right time for homeowners, landlords and renters to contemplate the installation of an EV charger in their home or investment properties, even if they are yet to acquire an electric vehicle.

While installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger without owning an EV may seem unconventional, there are some good reasons to consider it.

For instance, if you are renovating your home, it would be a great time to install an electric vehicle charging station rather than delaying your decision and potentially leading to higher installation costs later.

However, to make an informed decision on purchasing an EV charging station, it is crucial to have a thorough grasp of how it works and the varying types of charging stations to determine which one aligns with your requirements.


How does the EV charging system work at home? 

Charging an EV is as simple as charging any other electronic device. All you need to do is plug it in and you're good to go! However, it's important to note that how you charge your vehicle will make a difference to the cost and time involved.

Types of EV charging stations

When charging an Electric Vehicle, it's essential to remember that the vehicle battery pack runs on DC electricity. The fastest way to charge your EV at home is to get a level 2 AC charging station, usually wall-mounted in a residential setting. The charger will take energy from your home's electrical system using Alternating Current (AC). 

The charger safely transfers this into your car using a Type 2 charging cable. Your car will convert the AC electricity into Direct current (DC) energy to charge the car's battery. It can take anywhere from 6 hours to fully charge your vehicle in this way, depending on the specific car and charger model and its specifications.

Charging station


Benefits of installing an EV charging system at your home: 

If you're an EV owner, you may have wondered if you need a home charging station when public ones are available. However, as the number of EVs on the road increases, it's worth considering if you have the time to wait in queues for your car to charge fully or worry about its range on a single charge. The answer is clear: you deserve the convenience and luxury you paid for, and a home charging station can offer just that. 

Here are 5 reasons to install an EV Charger, even if you don't have an EV yet.

  • Future-proofing: With the growing popularity of electric vehicles, it makes sense to safeguard your property's future and guarantee a smooth transition when the time comes with a home charging station. 

    If you are renovating or about to start renovating, chat with your electrician about EV Chargers. If you are currently doing electrical work, it will likely save you money to install a charger now rather than in the future.
  • Home resale value: Having an EV charger already installed can make your home more attractive to potential buyers in the future. As EVs become more popular, having the infrastructure in place can be a significant selling point and differentiate your property from others on the market.
  • Government incentives: Australia is starting to promote purchasing EVs with varying incentives and rebates, making purchasing an EV a much more affordable option. These incentives can help offset the installation costs and make it a more financially appealing decision. Depending on where you live, there may also be incentives to install a charger at your home.
  • Guest convenience: If you frequently have guests or visitors who own electric vehicles, providing them with a charging option can be a thoughtful gesture. It can be an excellent investment if you run an Airbnb or have a rental property. It will show your consideration for their needs, plus differentiate your property on the market, or allow the public to charge their vehicle for a fee for some extra revenue!
  • Personal motivation: Even if you don't currently own an EV, having an EV charger can serve as a motivational factor to transition faster in the future. It can be a visual reminder and encouragement to make a more sustainable choice when ready.



There are many reasons why installing an EV charger now is a good idea. Ultimately, the deciding factor may be affordability and ease of installation in your home. If you decide that it is the right time for you to take the plunge, it is important to consult with an experienced electrician or supplier who can give you the right advice on how to get it done.


What's Next?

FIMER offers a range of electric vehicle charging solutions, perfect for any application. These include the FIMER FLEXA AC wallbox, FIMER FLEXA AC Station and the FIMER ELECTRA DC station