How monitoring your energy consumption can reduce your bills further

Are you looking at getting solar and unsure whether to spend a few hundred dollars more to get a smart energy meter?

Consumption monitoring allows you to monitor how you consume your energy. You will be able to see when you are consuming energy in your house and where that energy is coming from, i.e. from your solar panels (free energy), the battery (if you have one) or from the grid (the energy you pay for). 

There are many benefits to installing a smart energy meter with your solar installation.

Having consumption monitoring available will give you and your family an insight into how much energy you are using. You might be shocked to see how much energy your dishwasher, washing machine or air-conditioner uses, or the old bar fridge. By understanding how much energy appliances use, you can make an informed decision on whether to shift the load to when you can use free energy from your solar system (i.e. Turn the dishwasher on in the morning before work, instead of after dinner) or consider replacing older energy-sucking appliances.

Consumption monitoring allows you to track your energy usage over days, weeks, months and years. It is interesting to see how your energy usage changes over the year with different seasons. You can also see any irregular patterns early, so you won’t be shocked when the bill comes in.

Read more on how consumption monitoring works.